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The 12 million quota section. Part 2. Sign up list enclosed

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2003 5:34 am
by Oof
I'll start a separate thread for discussion of the 12 million section of the chain. Please limit any responses to this thread to simply posting if you want to join, since that will make it much easier to track the names of characters. Thank you in advance (I hope).

First, I'll start off with what the new section of the chain is NOT. The 12 million section is not a replacement for the Food Chain, or a change to the chain's quota system; it's simply a new section so that Last Dynasty's XP chain offers something for every style of player. It will be the third (and final?) section of the overall Last Dynasty XP chain. After the new section is implemented, the chain will look like:

Casual Chain: open to all players level 1 - 126+. The top of the Casual Chain is sworn to Wimp Tinker. Wimp Tinker is anchored to the bottom of the 126 section in the Food Chain.

Food Chain: open to players level 75 - 126+. The top of the Food Chain will be sworn to the bottom of the 12 million section.

The New Section [flashing lights]: open to current chain members level 126+ (see the bottom of this post for details on this). The top of the 12 million section will be sworn to where the top of the Food Chain is currently sworn now.

[Last Edited: 05-02-03 by Oof. This is the final revision before posting orders. Also, there is a slight modification of the listing below. Names are listed in current chain order, with a -------- between sections of people who are curently sworn together and who can be moved as a single unit.]

179 Kazsam
175 Cloud
171 Lucky Strike
171 Steelhead
163 Oof
156 Heatmiser
153 Xbowman
156 Muneman
164 Thorgrim
154 Coji
157 Thray
162 Anca
153 Dave Mustaine
150 Compadre
154 Dangerous Lady
171 Ly'Sham Slik
147 Lagmatic
147 Da-won
146 Qa'zienn al-Tobarrr
146 El-Tazar
144 Smiley II
141 Oneman
139 Flesh Puppet
141 Bruni
141 Sticky fingers
137 Flanker
135 Pyreal Girl
135 Downy
133 I B Six U B Nine
131 Thunderblade

126+ to enter. The top of the Food Chain will be sworn to the bottom of the new section. About the only concern I remember consistently being raised consistently on Heatmiser's post introducing this was for the bottom person in the new section. That person will be required to add 12 million earned XP per week to the chain, while his/her chain vassal will be required to "only" pass up 6 million earned XP. Since new inserts will be added to the bottom of the new chain section, this "duty" of anchoring the 12 million section will rotate between chain members fairly regularly as new people enter the chain.

Current LD chain member to enter (clan members can join, but they'll need to join the Food Chain first so we can track their XP production for three weeks). Besides the higher XP quota, one of the main things we should try to build in this new section is stability from the very beginning. Swearing people into the chain, and then removing them because they didn't realize the challenge they would face of passing up 12 million earned XP per week will not help stability.

Enter at bottom of chain (see the bottom of this post for details on this).

Moving up will be handled on an individual basis; someone passing their patron by three levels in a high production chain where everyone is 126+ will be a rare occurrence.

Generally the same policies as the Food Chain, except the quota is doubled. The "3.5 million behind and you may be removed" will double to 7 million, so that the removal threshold is still four days without hunting.

Check the boards at least every other day, checking the boards every day is better. [Hint: it is rumored that some people check the clan board while AT WORK,

Update ACStats at least twice per week. Any quota failures, Olddata entries, etc. will result in removal orders. We will be very strict about that. The purpose of this chain is to maximize XP production for those folks who want to hunt hard, and who expect others to hunt hard. As such, we will be very strict on enforcing the policies. This isn't intended to sound threatening (though it might sound that way). It is intended to introduce stability quickly in the new section of the chain. If everyone updates twice weekly, and checks the boards every couple of days, any moves, insertions, etc., should be taken care of quickly and cause a minimum of disruption to the chain. My full expectation is that people will join the chain, do what they need to do to make quota, and everyone will make XP and be happy.

Introducing this new section of the chain shouldn't impact the XP production in the Food Chain. The bulk of the XP you get in the chain is most directly attributable to the five or six people below you (rough estimate). Any excess XP will most likely be absorbed by the time it passes through several people. Likewise, any shortage of XP due to quota failure by someone is most likely averaged out within several people. I mentioned this because many of the people in the Food Chain voted to start a 12 million section of the chain. That doesn't mean everyone who voted yes will actually move into the new section, but it does make sense the Food Chain will get smaller, at least for a little while. I doubt the people who choose to stay in the Food Chain will notice any major change in the XP production.

Open to current chain members level 126+ (details about this statement from above). We decided to limit membership to people who are level 126+ for a couple of reasons. The first is that placement of people is much easier if everyone is 126+, since anyone can swear to anyone else. The second is that it is more likely someone who is 126+ will be able to hunt for the 50 million or so raw XP that will be required each and every week, as compared to a lower level person.

Enter at bottom of chain (details about this statement from above).
One reason to enter new people at the bottom of the chain, rather than by actual level is to rotate the postion at the bottom of the chain among members. The other is to break the patron/vassal relationship as little as possible. At 240 hours ingame sworn time, you loyalty bonus is doubled. Inserting people at the bottom will allow more people to build up that loyalty bonus, making it that much easier to pass up XP.

The initial building of new section is potentially open to all of the 126+ members of either the Food Chain or the Casual Chain, as of today's date, April 28, 2003. The initial creation of the new section will take all of the eligible people and will basically compress their current chain relationship into the new chain. What this means is that some people may get to retain their current patron and/or vassal, which will help with the loyalty bonus.

Looking at the chain listing, nearly everyone who is 126+ is meeting the 12 million requirement. If you want to join the 12 million section, reply to this post listing your chain character's name. The chain managers will look at the XP production history for the last three weeks. If you have been earning at least 12 million XP per week, we will post insertion orders for you. If you have been earning that much over the last three weeks, we will track your XP until you have met the 12 million per week and will then insert you.

YOU HAVE UNTIL MIDNIGHT EST THURSDAY, MAY 01, TO BE INCLUDED IN THE INITIAL BUILD-OUT OF THE NEW CHAIN SECTION. Friday morning, we will compile the list of people who want to move to the new section and will begin posting move orders Friday, May 02.

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2003 6:03 am
by Dave_Mustaine
Dave Mustaine, 152

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2003 9:03 am
by anca
Anca level 161

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2003 9:45 am
by Pyreal Girl
Pyreal Girl 135

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2003 2:20 pm
by Flanker
Flanker 137 :shock:

new chain

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2003 2:32 pm
by sticky fingers
sticky 139 wants in

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2003 2:50 pm
by I B Six U B Nine
IB Six UB Nine in at 132

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2003 4:20 pm
by Steelhead

Steelhead lvl 170 wants to try this :D :D :D :D :D

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2003 4:46 pm
by Cloud
C l o u d, lvl 175

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2003 4:51 pm
by thunderblade
thunderblade 130

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2003 10:24 pm
by El-Tazar
I guess i have no choice, put my name down

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2003 10:31 pm
by Dave_Mustaine
How could you not have a choice?

Also, which toon(s) do you want in?

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2003 10:36 pm
by Thorgrim
Thorgrim level 164??? Give or take.

Sign me up.

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2003 10:49 pm
by Compadre
Compadre lvl 151.

She must not have seen this yet, but I'm sure my vassal Dangerous Lady (lvl 153 or 154), wants in, she does well over 12m a week :)

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2003 12:01 am
by Qaz
I am in too.